Our acoustic cleaning technology improves energy
efficiency and reduces environmental impact
Our acoustic cleaning technology improves energy
efficiency and reduces environmental impact
Customised solutions for various applications
NIRAFON acoustic cleaning systems can be used in numerous applications, from waste-to-energy plants and incineration plants to recovery boilers or desulphurization plants – and much more. They are also an excellent choice for the cleaning of emission reduction technologies whose usage has lately increased due to tightening legislation, as is the case with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems.
Fuel types
- Agro biomass
- Biomass
- Coal
- Heavy fuel oil
- Lignite
- MSW (Municipal Solid Waste)
- Oil shale
- Peat
- Pellet
- RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels)
- Waste
Boiler types
- BFB (Bubbling Fluidized Bed)
- CFB (Circulating Fluidized Bed)
- Corner fired
- Fire tube boilers
- Grate boilers
- Pulverized coal fired
Keeping clean:Boiler heat exchangers- superheaters- evaporators- economizersair preheaters, Cyclones, SCR, Bag houses, ESP, Fans etc.
Keeping clean:- Boilers- Bag houses- ESP- Duct & channels- Fans etc.
Keeping clean:- Recuperators- Baghouses- ESP- Cyclones- Fans- Silos- Waste heat boilers etc.
Keeping clean:
- Baghouses
- Waste heat boilers
- Cooling towers etc.
Vatajankoski Electricity has been able to increase the volume of biofuel significantly with the help of Nirafon's acoustic cleaning.
Five Nirafon pneumatic acoustic cleaners (NI60) were installed in 2019, in the economizer at Lumin’s Cogeneration boiler that provide steam and electricity to the Lumin’s Plywood Mill.


Sales Finland
Kimmo Savolainen
Sales- / Project Manager
+358 40 043 8717